Supply chain finance and blockchain technology the case of reverse securitisation | Corner


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Supply chain finance and blockchain technology the case of reverse securitisation

supply chain finance and blockchain technology: the case of reverse securitisation
supply chain finance and blockchain technology: the case of reverse securitisation

Given the similarity of the physical characteristics of natural ecosystems, a logical framework for understanding SCF based on financial ecosystems is extended. Two perspectives, ‘Financial ecological stakeholders’, including ‘Financial Actors’, and a ‘Financial ecological supply chain platform’ with five subdimensions , mirror the core understanding of ‘Supply Chain’ and ‘Finance’ in a financial ecology context. The remaining perspective, ‘Financial eco-environment’ , has two sub-aspects , which reflect the fact that a successful financial eco-environment can underpin the smooth operation of SCF. However, the surroundings that the SCF is rooted in are changeable, so it cannot be guaranteed that SCF will operate in a favorable financial environment. Therefore, it is important to take environmental dynamicity into account through regulations and SSCF to reach sustainable financial development and further facilitate SCF evolution.

Secondly, social environmental factors and consumers’ green preference are another motivation for enterprises’ green transformation. Guo studied that consumers are willing to buy green products and pay higher prices. Consumers’ green preference and social factors will promote manufacturers to carry out green production. In the transmission of logistics, capital flow, and information flow between supply chain enterprises, information flow is the key to coordinating inter-enterprise communication and cooperation and improving operational efficiency. In inter-enterprise communication, enterprises often miss business opportunities or experience delays in strategy implementation due to untimely communication or delayed information feedback. Smart contract technology can automate a significant amount of the work, reducing errors and delays caused by manual execution, and reducing the need for requests, approvals, and feedback; therefore, improving the efficiency of business operations.

  • However, according to the current globalization trend, a supply chain network consisting of any number of members is more realistic.
  • However, this assumption is too ideal and inconsistent with the reality.
  • At present, the rapid transaction through blockchain technology has gradually become the main driving force of the traditional banking revolution .

As can be seen from Figure 2, the optimal wholesale price always increases with the increase of green sensitivity β. Intuitively, an increase in green sensitivity β would stimulate market demand, but green investment would lead to higher costs for manufacturers. As a result, retailers will tempt manufacturers by raising wholesale prices. Manufacturers obtain financial support from banks through green channels to ease financial constraints. However, if the bank provides green finance funds to the manufacturer, the bank will require the manufacturer to meet minimum “green standards”.

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The book comes at the right time. In recent times, fintech companies have turned into hotspots of disruptive innovation. Technology firms partner with logistic service providers, such as IBM and Maersk to digitise the global, cross-border supply chain.

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„FinTech In Its Element: Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth” – Speech By ….

Posted: Thu, 03 Nov 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of the journal. The RRP is the suggested or recommended retail price of a product set by the manufacturer and provided by a manufacturer, supplier or seller. Erik Hofmann (Dr. rer. pol., University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany) is Director of the Chair of Logistics Management as well as a Senior Lecturer at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland.

These options include invoice factoring, which allows businesses to sell their outstanding invoices to a third party for a fee, and supply chain financing, which enables businesses to secure financing based on their outstanding invoices. The energy industry is a very large and complex industry, and almost all industries are built on the basis of energy industry. However, the scale and complexity of the energy industry brings problems, such as opaque data.

The book reveals new opportunities stemming from the application of BCT to SCF financing solutions, particularly reverse factoring – or approved payables financing. Based on the above research objectives, we propose a green financing problem for a green energy-efficient supply chain consisting of manufacturers with limited capital, green credit banks, and consumers with green preferences. Considering green manufacturers’ misrepresentation of the green level of their products, it proposes the introduction of blockchain technology with “smart contracts” to monitor the actual amount of carbon emissions of enterprises.

More specifically, enhancing the ability of business combinations requires COs in SC to gather adequate information of customers and carry out real-time online integration. This process is based on financial technology/Fintech (e.g., Big Data and blockchain) to generate dynamic operation information, enabling active real-time management of loan enterprises with financial risk reduction in the SC . Moreover, organizations would operate SCF to optimize enterprise resource allocation, reduce operating costs, and lower financial risk by merging the four online flows of logistics, information, business, and capital in SCF 4.0. Here, ‘four flows in one’ is the premise.

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Research shows that corporate subsidies are more likely to induce consumers to buy green products. The second research suggestion relates to SCF standardization establishment. The early part of this paper explores SCF development stages 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, based on previous research.

supply chain finance and blockchain technology: the case of reverse securitisation

E Logist. Conceptualization, H.L. And J.P.; modeling, J.P.; software, H.L.; validation, J.P.; writing—original draft preparation, J.P.; writing—review and editing, H.L.; supervision, H.L.; project administration, H.L. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive positive feedback from the reviewers.

Manufacturers, retailers, and banks make their own decisions. Before the start of the sales season, the bank first considers the manufacturer’s bankruptcy costs to determine the interest rate, for manufacturers engaged in green manufacturing enterprises to offer low preferential rates. By knowing the greenness level of the product, the retailer determines the optimal wholesale price and orders the manufacturer according to the actual market demand. Therefore, in the Stackelberg scenario, the product greenness information has vendor privacy. In order to obtain more favorable low interest rate and higher wholesale price from the bank, the manufacturer may lie about the greenness. At the end of the season, if the manufacturer has earned enough revenue, it pays back the loan to the bank, pays interest, and makes a profit.

The stock of green bonds reached 1.5 trillion yuan, up 32.7% year on year. Green credit is a typical green finance policy. Banks will consider the business environment as an important consideration when making loans rather than simply focusing on financial solvency . It is understood that in order to solve the green transformation loan problem of Jinyuan new materials company, the Bank of Communications won the policy support of equipment renewal and re-loan and gave the preferential interest rate of 3.2%. China’s carbon emission dual control index requirements, high energy consumption, and high carbon emission projects will make it difficult to obtain preferential policies and financial support from banks. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has built a comprehensive green credit framework, offering a portfolio of special loans to environmentally friendly enterprises.

– Background I – What is buyer-led supply chain finance? — Background II – What A Contribution to the SCF Literature is reverse securitisation? — Background III – What is blockchain technology?

Supply chain finance and blockchain technology – the case of reverse securitisation

Secondly, the efficiency analysis and comparison of enterprise green transformation. Whether green financing positively affects the emission reduction of enterprises, the definition of financing scope, and whether enterprises are willing to carry out green transformation are questions we sought to answer. How do these benefit the analysis and comparison of blockchain technology to the green supply chain? How do we define the application scope of blockchain technology?

The financial services sector is a key force behind worldwide economic growth, and it’s among the most concentrated industries. Supply chain finance, also referred to as reverse factoring, is a strategy utilized by purchasing companies to provide their suppliers with initial payment on their invoices. FinTech companies also often operate as cloud-based software platforms, allowing the much-needed procurement-to-pay integration of supply chain functions. By using FinTechs to move sustainable supply chain operations, most SMEs in the UK and the US would be as competitive as giants like Apple, Dell, P&G, Kellogg’s, and Siemens.

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Parts and of Proposition 1 show that retailers can induce financially constrained manufacturers to raise their greenness level and produce more products by raising wholesale prices. In addition, when consumers become more sensitive to green, manufacturers will have an incentive to increase production and greenness levels due to increased market demand. However, when the green cost factor of ν increases, manufacturers will reduce the output and greenness level due to the increase of greening cost. In addition, when the initial capital of the manufacturer increases, the manufacturer reduces production due to the limited liability of the cash-strapped manufacturer to the bank and the repayment of loans and interest.

supply chain finance and blockchain technology: the case of reverse securitisation

With the establishment of an information sharing platform, manufacturers’ order volumes are affected, with higher and lower quality increasing and decreasing order volumes, respectively. As retailers are quality-sensitive, manufacturers with better quality will receive more orders and manufacturers with poorer quality will have fewer orders in the case of a flat price. The price consumers expect for a good is positively related to the quality of the product and the calculation of social welfare is set as the sum of the surplus of sellers and buyers in the market, excluding government taxes.

And H.L.; writing—original draft preparation, L.Z.; writing—review and editing, L.Z. And M.C.; visualization, L.Z.; supervision, H.L.; project administration, M.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Most services are offered mainly by financial institutions, and blockchain might hold the key for cheaper forms of financing, liquidity generation and improving working capital. Optimising cash flows throughout the supply chain is a key topic for corporate decision makers, as many key performance indicators actually target working capital. BCT can take the role of a facilitator to accelerate the cash flow throughout the supply chain. At present, the rapid transaction through blockchain technology has gradually become the main driving force of the traditional banking revolution . The World Economic Forum estimates that by 2025, 10% of global GDP will be stored on blockchain-related technologies. Hossein discusses the impact of blockchain technology on bank data analysis from the perspective of banks, and shows the importance of signal extraction for the banking industry.

Manufacturers exaggerate green levels to raise wholesale prices and secure cheap borrowing rates from banks, destabilizing the market for green products. Scholars believe that “greenwashing” is a strategic and premeditated corporate lie designed to mislead consumers and exaggerate the environmental benefits of products . Green information misreporting will affect the response of stakeholders , but the existing literature has not studied why consumers and other stakeholders are affected by “greenwashing”. In Figure 4a, it can be seen that when the information sharing platform is first established, the retailer will prefer to wholesale products from the better quality manufacturer and the status gap between the two manufacturers intensifies. After a period of establishment, the status gap between the manufacturers will narrow due to their quality efforts and the total demand for that supply chain will expand, contributing to the increase in supply chain revenue.

Posted by Dospel & GanjaParker